Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tech Blog: "How To Use A Simple Flip Video Camera To Generate Referrals" with That Interview Guy

Flip video cameras have made a major impact on video journalism. Whereas ten years ago a journalist who wanted to film an event would need a cameraman or possibly an entire crew, today video can be captured and stored on a camera that fits easily into a pocket.

Even I have been affected by the change; last summer I worked for George Mason's Office of University Relations and was able to enhance some of my public relations stories with video footage.

According to That Interview Guy, a technology blogger, interviews aren't the only thing the flip camera is being used for.

He recalls the experience of Shannon King, a real estate broker.

"Shannon, also known as The Road Warrior has figured out a way to brand affordable FLIP video cameras and then give them away to her clients.

Her clients in turn document the buying/selling experience using the video which creates quite the buzz amongst their family, friends and co-workers.

That buzz translates into Big Wows and more importantly … referrals and new business for Shannon."

King has capitalized off of the low cost and high quality of flip cameras to endear herself to her clients and generate a constant stream of near-free advertising. 


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